早教专家 全球同步
Gymboree金宝贝,是0-5岁幼儿快乐的天地,双母语教学法,系统地开发幼儿潜能,提供寓教于乐的学习课程,我们拥有30年育儿经验,指导父母与孩子一起学习成长。 每天,全球有超过40,000户家庭可享受到Gymboree金宝贝的快乐育儿教学,现在我们把这的早教品牌带来国内,您即将可以与世界同步!!
Gymboree, founded in 1976 in the USA, is the global leader in early childhood development program. Based on its 33 years of research and experiment in the field, Gymboree helped families in more than 40 countries and regions to learn and enjoy early childhood development through music, art, and play. Everyday, over 300,000 families participate in early childhood development programs offered by Gymboree. More than 600 Gymboree centers covering the
Americas Europe, and Asia offer programs which systematically develop a 0-5 year-old childs potentials, guide young parents to study their childs growth, and understand the world of infants and children.
Gymboree landed in China in 2003 and so far we have established over 100 centers in China. Gymboree China will continue to expand its business in the coming 3 years, and have more families enjoy learning fun from Gymboree program.
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