Watsons Your Personal Store is a health & beauty retailer, currently operating over 1,500 stores and 1,165 pharmacies in 13 markets including China (mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao), Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Turkey, South Korea, Indonesia , Estonia and Slovenia.
Watsons Your Personal Store, has over 200 stores and over 5,000 employees. Watsons has built its success and reputation on quality and innovation, winning the trust of the consumers. Watsons continuously offers various products to meet consumers ' differing needs and lifestyles. Watsons ' mission is to create “health, beauty and fun” for its consumers worldwide. Watsons is fully committed to offering quality products, professional advisory information, an enjoyable and ‘discovery ' shopping environment and great value-for-money to its consumers.
Watsons Your Personal Store is a business unit and health and beauty brand under A.S. Watsons Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL). The A.S. Watsons Group is the world’s largest health and beauty retailer covering 37 markets and over 1,800 cities in Asia and Europe, managing 19 retail brands in over 7,600 stores, employing 98,000 employees and serving over 25 million consumers around the world every week.
广东区:020-83350099 福建区:0592-5551831 湖南区:0731-5308047